
Extra support for QCase users

Extra support services for Queensland Law Society members and other QCase users will start from 8.30am on Monday, 9 September.

The QCase online portal enables the legal profession, self-represented litigants and other Magistrates Courts users to securely file, view and manage their civil matters online.

It is also used for Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) minor civil dispute matters heard at Magistrates Courts and in QCAT Brisbane.

From Monday, users experiencing difficulties with the QCase Portal will be able to contact the new Client Systems Support team in Queensland Courts and Tribunals, via:

Client Systems Support will be available to assist QCase users with technical issues, including but not limited to:

  • Support in registering a business or firm account;
  • Problems accessing and joining a case;
  • Assistance with updating account details;
  • Troubleshooting error messages.

For case-related enquires, users should continue to contact the relevant QCAT or Magistrates Court registry for the matter.


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