
Advancing rights of First Nations people

The QLS Call to Parties statement for the 2024 state election calls for urgent change to the way government implements policies and laws which affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

There is a need for clear action and accountability to ensure that recommendations from previous consultations, inquiries, reports and recommendations are implemented.

QLS calls for a commitment to:

  • Meaningfully engage and take active steps to implement the recommendations on the Productivity Commission’s final report on its review of progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
  • Consider achievable new targets under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap to reduce rates of Indigenous imprisonment.
  • Prioritise the finalisation of the review of the Cultural Heritage Acts and introduce meaningful reform to ensure they meet their purpose and provide for First Nations justice.
  • Continue the Path to Treaty Process, through culturally safe and respectful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. 
  • The efficient and effective resolution of native title compensation claims, including:
    • Early, comprehensive and free access to all tenure information held by the State that relates to extinguishing acts done prior to the commencement of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
    • A commitment that, where there is a contiguous native title determination, the state will admit that that native title would exist but for the compensable act
    • A commitment to enter into good faith negotiations to explore comprehensive settlements
    • Assist with legal funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples unable to access Native Title related legal assistance
  • Implementing a statutory requirement in Queensland under which police must contact an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal service whenever an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person is detained in custody for any reason.
  • A culturally viable and equitable Blue Card system that promotes better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

QLS is committed to reconciliation and recognising the perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples, including First Nations Lawyers.

The QLS First Nations Legal Policy Committee has made submissions at both a State and Federal level on significant issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples such as The Path to Treaty Bill 2023, the reshaping of Queensland’s cultural heritage laws and the Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

In all instances, QLS stresses the importance of incorporating First Nations perspectives throughout policy and legislative development and ensuring that consultation occurs within culturally appropriate frameworks to respect First Nations Peoples’ ways of decision making.


Members are invited to review the Call to Parties statement here. The Queensland state election will be held on 26 October 2024.

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